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  • What the meaning of dream dance with Yesus?

    I ever dream dance with yesus in blue dress and red band. He completely stand on my leg, but we are in ballance. I am not Christian but Moslem. Has it a meaning or no for me especially. Btw I am a man

    2 JawabanDream Interpretation1 dekade yang lalu
  • What happen if two same size females of clownfish put in a small aquarium?

    Do they will fight and till one of them is dead?

    Is there possibility they become friend?

    Is there possibility one of them change sex into male?

    3 JawabanFish1 dekade yang lalu
  • How to make my clown fish to be a couple?

    I have bought two same size (8 cm) clown fish. I put them in a small size (20x30x25 cm) aquarium. They fought each other. One of them was knocked down, but the winner still attacked it. I put a glass partition such that they couldnot figh each other but the could see each other. The looser already better now.

    what happen if I pick out the partition now?

    How to make my two same size clown fish to be a couple (male and female) ? I do not intend to by any additional clown fish due to limitation size of my aquarium.

    Thanks in advance

    4 JawabanFish1 dekade yang lalu
  • How to treat two same size clown fish?

    I bought two same size (8 cm) clown fish and put them in a small (30x20x25 cm)aquarium. But they fight, one is lose, its fins is damaged and get laid down. I install glass partition.

    May I pick out the partition?

    Is the winner become female and the loser become male?

    Should I bougth the smaller one to be prepared as mating male?

    Thanks in advance

    1 JawabanFish1 dekade yang lalu
  • Layar monitorku tiba2 menyusut sebagian, bagian atas menyusut sehingga bagian atasnya lagi berwarna hitam?

    Sudah saya coba memutar seluruh bagian hardware dalam untuk penyetelan tapi tak berubah ... hanya warna dan atas bawah namun tidak mengatasi masalah

    Mohon dibantu apa penyebabnya dan penanggulangannya.

    2 JawabanMonitors1 dekade yang lalu