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furu muun

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MAL "The moon is so pretty..." ---Mitsuki Koyama "...but on the other side, there are more meteor craters than on the front, even more of them. Hiding its scars and continuing to shine... When I first met you, Mitsuki [Full Moon] I thought your name was perfect for you.--- Eichi Sakurai ~(Full Moon wo Sagashite)~ Nick2 : ~tsukiakari~ furu muun ♥mitsuki♫ ♥tristesse♫ ♥cancion tristesse♫ Alice~Die For Me ♥~atashi wa tsubasa~♫ ♥~tsubasa love doraemon~♫ ---> :v tsubasa -------------------- Realize that you are not perfect, and you don't have to be perfect. Just be yourself, because.. there will always be someone Who will accept you, just the way you are.

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