Yahoo Answers akan ditutup pada 4 Mei 2021 dan situs web Yahoo Answers sekarang tersedia dalam mode baca saja. Tidak akan ada perubahan pada properti atau layanan Yahoo lainnya, atau akun Yahoo Anda. Anda dapat memperoleh informasi lebih lanjut tentang penutupan Yahoo Answers dan cara mengunduh data Anda di halaman bantuan ini.

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Jawaban Favorit61%

I think I have everything I need It got dark but now I think I see The world around is full of arms still reaching out to me... I hear the notes and belt them back to you I feel loved, I’m burning like a fuse I’m not afraid ‘cause I know I’ve got nothing left to lose... I just want to say I know I let you down, but I’m ready now... And I found a way that I could tell the truth, make it up to you... I know that I have always walked the line in between my confidence and lies... So many scenes are full of words that I wish I could rewind...

Maaf, tidak ada yang bisa dilihat di sini! Aktivitas pengguna bersifat pribadi.