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  • Why Does My Backbone Tingle & Hurt Whenever Someone Touches It?

    Hi, I have been diagnosed with Scoliosis in the past. 

    I do yoga regularly, and keep my back and muscles in shape so that I can maintain my health. 

    But, everytime someone even touches my back bone, even if its just poking it with one finger, it physically hurts and feels really weird, all throughout my back and legs. Sometimes the feeling even makes me nauseous. 

    Is that normal? Or is it all in my head? 

    1 JawabanPain & Pain Management12 bulan yang lalu
  • Ide Slogan Keripik Singkong Lucu?

    Saya lagi cari ide-ide slogan dan kalimat-kalimat kreatif & lucu untuk snack Keripik Singkong. Ada yang bisa bantu? Thanks

    4 JawabanLain-lain - Indonesia2 tahun yang lalu
  • I broke my arm two years ago and it still hurts from time to time?

    I broke my left arm two whole years ago (february 2012) and it still hurts from time to time. Sometimes i feel this really painful cramp around my wrist and sometimes it'll travel the whole way up my shoulder (I also broke my collarbone when I was around 6, I'm 14 now) and sometimes it just feels very uncomfortable. I also have trouble spinning it around (like my palm facing upwards) because it feels massively uncomfortable and a little painful at times. I broke both my Ulna and Radius and there was nothing wrong with my wrist but its the source of most of the pain. after i broke my arm I couldn't play the violin for more than 20 minutes because my wrist would feel like it would fall right off, it still feels that way after two years.

    is this normal?

    Injuries7 tahun yang lalu
  • What are the advantages to drug use?

    hi guys! so I was wondering if any of you know what the advantages are to drug use? and which one would make us react to the drugs faster, inhaling it, swallowing it, or injecting it? (drugs like marijuana, cocaine, stuff like that.) oh, and I'm not going to use these things or anything, its a question purely based on curiousity and research. :) anyway, thank you guys, hope you can help!

    1 JawabanMedicine7 tahun yang lalu