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Lv 7357.634 points

Uncle Pennybags

Jawaban Favorit15%

Middle-aged conservative with libertarian leanings who finds modern liberalism to be incredibly naive and dangerous, I respect old-time liberals who were genuinely interested in keeping this nation strong and helping ALL the people. I'm a staunch defender of Capitalism. Capitalism and rich people do not oppress the rest of us. Far from it, capitalism has brought the highest level of prosperity to those countries that practice it. However I realize that capitalism can be abused and does have it's excesses, and therefore gov't regulation is required, but it should be done sparingly, and only when there is no other alternative. Far from being worried about what the rest of the world thinks of the USA, my opinion is they should worry about what we think of them. Other countries need us as their guardians and market. We do not need them.