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reason that banned ciggaretes company?

can u tell me reason that banned ciggaretes company????

2 Jawaban

  • 1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    pretty simple:

    1)may smokers get addicted to it and pollute the air. also the smoke from cigarettes contains harmful chemicals that damage others. this is also called passive smoking.

    2)Smokers tend to have very bad health and also have lung cancer due to the harmful chemicals in the cigarettes.

    3) there is no solution to making a "anti-harmful" cigarettes. some companies tried to put a filter inside that reduced to amount of damage done to the body,but it still wasn't enough to completely make the cigarettes safe.

    4)smokers like to throw their ciggars after they've finished with it.

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    yes, but not now

    Sumber: be a patience, please
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