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Nick J lovers ditanyakan dalam Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 dekade yang lalu

i hate my family r u same with me?

give me the reason

15 Jawaban

  • 1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    I wouldn't say I hate my family, but we certainly don't get along. My family is always really stressed out and as the oldest, I'm always the one who has to clean up after everyone. It doesn't help that I have a younger sibling who leaves stuff all over the place, since I'm responsible for keeping the house clean and doing the laundry. My family is also quite judgmental and I seem to get in more trouble simply because I'm a male. I'm also required to drive my younger sister everywhere even though my town has a perfectly good FREE public transport system, which I take all the time to get to and from my job (my younger sister gets everything she wants, have to work to help pay for college).

    Don't worry about it too much, though; you'll be on your own before you know it.

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    There are only 2 reasons a person hates their family. You are regularly beaten or abused in other ways, OR you are just a spoiled brat that says you hate your family when you dont get your way.

    Eventually you will grow up and if they arent terrible people, you will love them. Hopefully for your sake, you wont be such a snotty brat that they will still love you.

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    You do not hate your family, you are frustrated and are probably just not getting all the attention you want. I have issues with my family though. I do not hate them but sometimes i think i would be better off by myself.I am hard headed and determined and can fend off on my own. but they are always there when you need them. maybe you need to understand them more.

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    Hate is a very strong word & unless your fmily was abusive or neglected you there is probably not a good enough reason for your to HATE them...

    I don't hate my Dad but I certainly don't respect him. He walked out on Mum & I when I was a baby & moved in with another woman (just 18 years old) & her two I got older I felt like his own family (i.e. Me) was not good enough for him so he moved away & got a new family. He allowed my step-Mother to treat me terribly (she would deliberately cook food that she knew I did not like & I would sit at the table until it was finished even if that meant I was still there when everyone else had gone to bed, she would buy her kids presents & not me & tell me that I have my own Mum to buy stuff for me so she won't ever buy me anything, if I took things with me when I visited them she would take them away from me & give them to her daughter to play with until it was time for me to go home to Mum, I wasn't allowed a pillow at night unless I took one from home & then if I did & if it was better than the ones her kids had she would take it from me & make me sleep without one & accuse me of trying to make her look bad in front of her kids, the list goes on).

    So, I don't hate them but I certainly don't respect them!

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    Yes I hate them all very much! I always did but a month a go i read my dads messages and discovered an affair. I told my auntie who told my mom and she gave out s@@t to me! I have no respect for both of them and cannot wait to have my own family and cut them out of my life! I hope it help to know ur not alone hunnie!

    Sumber: Life
  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    I understand what you are asking. And there is no obligation to love someone who is bad to you, family or not.

    But remember that it is not what the other party does, it is how you react to it.

    Hate is a wasted emotion. If you can remove yourself from the source.

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    I don't hate them.

    They just frustrate me sometimes.

    I've been diagnosed with depression but they still don't seem to care.

    I don't expect them to tread on egg shells around me or anything.

    But a little bit of kindness and understanding would be nice.

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    Yes, I hate my family, and I'm so unlucky for being part of this "whatever!!" family.

    They always have the power just because I'm the youngest. They always took advantage of me. I'm not given the right to complain. They are thinking that they're always right, and etc. :-(

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    no i love my family why should i hate that dad who Always get me some thing i want

    why should i hate that mom who went altrought those troubles for 9 month

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    No, I think most are against you on this one. Though, I do admit that sometimes I need more space or we do get in disagreements.

    I'm really mellow though, so this doesn't happen often.

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