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latesleeperz ditanyakan dalam Food & DrinkOther - Food & Drink · 1 dekade yang lalu

What's the name of this type of beans, similar to French (green) beans but not really?

I used to live in Australia, where I always buy this specific type of beans for cooking. It looks almost exactly like common French beans (green beans), same length as well, but the texture is different - these beans are much denser and heavier, and while French beans feels somewhat empty and hollow inside, this particular bean in question is much denser and fuller. The seeds inside are bigger than French bean's seeds, which makes it crunchier than French beans.

Another distinguishing factor is that these beans have a wrinkly surface (akin to snake beans / long beans), as compared to French beans which have smooth surface. Anyone can help me identify this bean? Thanks!


Additional Details:

- It does not have 'wings'. It looks almost exactly like common green / french beans, i.e. about 3 inches long, tubular, small cross-section diameter.

3 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    They sound like runner bean. (they are flatter) Sometimes called string beans.

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    I think it might be "winged beans" they originate from Papua New Guinea and have a kind of fringe on them. Hope that helps.

    Sumber: Cook
  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    Snow peas? Sugar snap?

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