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Subdivisions of Parishes in Roman Catholic Church?

I've been trying to find out about this on the net but to no avail.

Where I come from, Indonesia - in the context of Roman Catholicism - a parish is divided into several so-called "districts", which in turn are further divided into several "neighborhoods". "districts" are named using roman numerals, e.g. District I, V, XII, etc - and "neighborhoods" are named using names of Saints e.g. St. Gregory's neighborhood.

The purpose of forming these parish sub-divisions are simply to bring together members of the community that are Roman Catholics, and get them connected and involved with Parish activities, etc. Each "neighborhoods" have their own activities, be it religious, social, philanthropic, etc.

Each parish is served by one Church, and headed by a head parish priest. "Districts" and "Neighborhoods" have their own leaders as well but they're not members of the clergy. These leaders are elected by the parish community and are of course unpaid.

My question is, is this a common occurrence in your country, wherever you come from, where a Parish has further sub-divisions? I can't seem to find an equivalent in other countries to this phenomenon we have in Indonesia. Do enlighten me, and if possible, please add some details about how things work in your country. Thanks!

4 Jawaban

  • hmmmm
    Lv 7
    1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    In the USA, there is a Diocese with a Bishop. In each Diocese there are parishes. Each parish has a priest in charge. There are also missions where there is no priest in charge. Each parish may have a council, but it is advisory. There are no districts.

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    In America, one Parish is just one Church, but some have outreaches that cater to certain groups. There isn't any official subdivision that I know of.

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    the bishop is usually the head of the diocese , it has a boundary that he is not allowed to cross over to interfere in another diocese

    each diocese has parishes of which come under the jurisdiction of their bishop

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    The Catholic church is very organised ans has always been so .

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