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Lv 5
? ditanyakan dalam HealthDiseases & ConditionsDiabetes · 1 dekade yang lalu

how to decrease glucose concertration in diabetes mellitus?

give reason and conection to the digestive system please

8 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Heres how !

    There are 4 key steps to controlling glucose levels.

    Here are the 4 keys:

    1) Knowledge- This is a great site for info

    2) Meds. Metformin to start. Never , ever take Actos or Avandia. They may kill you. Bone fractures, heart problems and what diabetics really don't need is that they change Bone Stem Cells to Fat Cells.

    3)diet- A low carb diet is in order. I can't count carbs so I use Mendosa's Glycemic Index Diet. Great for the whole family.

    4) EXERCISE- Walking is fine but Nordic Walking is Great. Exercise also lowers Glucose levels , lowers Cholesterol and lowers Blood Pressure. Google it.

    And it works


  • 5 tahun yang lalu


    Sumber: I Cured My Diabetes :
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    Sumber: Reverse Any Diabetes Easily :
  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    If you are talking about diabetes type 2, which is by far the most common type of diabetes, the answer is very complex. At the top of my head I can think of these ways:

    1) Bring more insulin into your veins. This can be done either by injection, or pushing your pancreas to produce more (using for instance sulfonylurea medication). In my opinion, using sulfonylureas is not ideal, since your pancreas already is working overtime, and you are asking it to double its efforts, which might come back to penalize you in the future. No one knows if sulfonylureas are worth it.

    2) Make your insulin work more efficiently. This is the crucial point in diabetes type 2. Your insulin is not working properly, because your cells have been desensitized to its signal. As a result, the cells can't absorb as much glucose from the blood as they need. There are several insulin sensitizers on the market. Glucophage (metformin) is by far the safest one, and one that really works.

    3) Make your insulin work more efficiently part 2. Make sure you have no sleep disorders, like sleep apnea. It is proven in studies that sleep apnea will make you insulin resistant more or less overnight.

    4) Make your insulin work more efficiently part 3. Make sure you do not suffer from other diseases, like Cushing's - which can make you diabetic. So check your cortisol level. Make sure you produce enough testesteron, since too little will make you put on weight, which in turn will worsen your insulin resistance. Make sure your thyroid is working properly and your body converts enough T4 to T3. If not, you will be hypothyroid and put on weight.

    5) Change to a better diet. Eat less calories. It will help in fighting fat accumulation. You should probably eat less carbohydrates, and especially less high-glycemic carbohydrates, like white bread. Eat more vegetables and fish. Both are proven to be good for you. Limit your intake of omega 6 fatty acids. They are being linked to insulin resistance. Unfortunately, they are in almost every food, often masked as "vegetable oil". Think twice before you use corn oil or soy oil for cooking as they contain vast amounts of omega 6. Use real butter instead. Increase your omega 3 intake. Best source is mackerel, second best is salmon. Limit your fruit consumption, as they contain fructose which elevates your blood sugar. Obviously eliminate all sugar drinks.

    6) Exercise. This will reduce blood sugar as the muscles will be able to take up more glucose immediately. Getting bigger muscles will also speed up metabolism, an effect that is also real between workouts.

    7) There is medication available that will limit how much fat or carbohydrates you absorb during a meal. Ask your doctor if they are right for you.

    Good luck!

    Sumber: Been type 2 diabetic for more than 10 years and have read more about the subject than any doctors I know.
  • Bob
    Lv 4
    1 dekade yang lalu

    The only way to decrease glucose levels is through insulin therapy. Your cells use glucose as fuel and the only way that glucose gets into your cells is when insulin is present.

    Sumber: I was the outreach chairman for our local diabetes society in the late 70's and have been a type 1 diabetic since 1974.
  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    u can decrease it by insulin therapy.doing exercise daily, eat more vegetables, eat food w/ low carbohidrate n fat but high on protein.

    diabetes will more dangerous if the pasient eat food that high carbohidrate n food

  • Anonim
    5 tahun yang lalu

    Eat foods with a low gi so that sugar is released slowly. Eat food low in sugar.

  • 5 tahun yang lalu
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