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tentang backup phone contact dari iphone ke Komputer?

gimana cara back up phone contact dari iphone ke computer atau laptop?


1 Jawaban

  • 1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    - Open i-tunes on your computer that you sync it to

    - Plug in your phone to the computer

    - open "Address book" window's address book program. Kinda lame, but it works. Its under start-programs-accessories

    - Back to iTunes, click on the phone icon on the left

    - Click on the Info, and under "Contacts" (the first one) check "sync contacts from" and then pick "Windows address book" from the drop down menu

    - Click all contacts

    - Then at the bottom right of iTunes, click "Sync" It will ask you if you want to merge or replace. Make sure you select "MERGE" or it will delete your contacts on the phone.

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