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Where do Anime encoders get their episodes from?

I've always been curious, In fact, I'm curious about the whole system. Can someone explain to me the flow of distribution of Anime episodes from the very beginning until the end where someone uploads the torrent? Like, who rips them from where and then what? Thanks!

2 Jawaban

  • 10 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    -The episode airs in Japan

    -The episode is ripped and then shows up in Japanese fileshare, such as Share or Perfect Dark.

    -The raw is uploaded to, among other places, for easy access

    -Fansubbers acquire episode either from fileshare, or from one of these torrents

    -The encoder from the fansub group encodes the file to maintain good quality while lowering filesize

    -The translator watches the episode and provides translations to the timer

    -The timer uses subbing software such as Aegi sub to create a subtitle file timed to the video.

    -The subtitles and video are muxed together using Mkvtools, and the release is completed.

    -The release is uploaded to the fansubbers homepage,, among other places.

  • 10 tahun yang lalu

    Often, the people who rip the episodes and post them online are people who have DVDs, either original commercial ones or burned copies, and they get the episodes off the DVDs.

    That said, these days there's no reason you can't record data from a TV broadcast into a video file, and some anime is probably collected that way too.

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