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? ditanyakan dalam HealthDiseases & ConditionsHeart Diseases · 10 tahun yang lalu

all, I want to ask all of you, based on knowledge of stroke make nerve cells to die or how?

and, the healing process it to get rid of his total or not? When it's exposed to the right hand and right foot, now can already walk use a stick, there is an opinion?


1 Jawaban

  • 10 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Based on clinical knowledge, depends on cause.

    Vascular cause: restoration of blood supply within 6 hours reverses the phenomena.

    Direct damage to brain cells but with no vascular cause : e.g polio, accidents,severe brain hemorrhage at younger age a reconstructive surgery of muscles is done & one can walk or hold object or can walk with stick. God is Graceful and much of the load is taken over by the other half of brain.

    In your case I can smell a good sign sounds your Left Cerebellum is taking over, Don't Give Up, try to increase paces.

    Good Luck.

    Sumber: I am a doctor.
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