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Lv 4
? ditanyakan dalam Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 tahun yang lalu

Why Does The Bible Feel Like The Least Likely Place I'd Encounter God?

If the Bible is God's word, why doesn't it overwhelm me with majesty, power, and a feeling of divine presence?

If I've ever experienced anything even remotely similar to that, it's been through human relationships, music, poetry, or interactions with nature.

Why isn't "God" obvious & present in the "word" that he is supposed to be present in?

If you think you have experienced "God," where or how have you done that?

7 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    9 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Quran 2:79

    So woe to those who write the "scripture" with their own hands, then say, "This is from Allah ," in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    The bible is a propoganda tool written by the roman empire. Only they claim it is the word of god.

    Some claim the church is far removed from the word of god and that might explain how it is working for you. You could join a church where an elder or preacher can help you to understand what is written. Or you could close the book and look for god elsewhere.

  • SH
    Lv 6
    9 tahun yang lalu

    I have been a Christian for 50 years, my first memory of feeling the comfort of God was when I was down on my knees saying my prayers with my mom, I was about 4. When I was a few years older I may not have understood the entire bible, but I felt the Word of God through the pastor’s message. I received Christ as my Savior when I was in the fourth grade, and while I may not have been a regular church attendee as I got past seventh grade my faith was still there, I was just not growing in my faith. And then I did what a lot of teenagers did, I did “my own thing”. Looking back I knew God watched over me with some mistakes I made during that time, He guided me out of some rough spots. I would attend church occasionally through the years, but when I was 30 I had my first child. I also knew when I had children that I wanted to teach them to know God, I remember making that promise to God when I was about 10 years old.

    To do that I knew I had to start reading and studying the bible to know what I believe is true. I had some friends who were of a non-Christian religion and that is when I really heard a voice in my head, that was my own, but was so loud saying that I had better read for myself what the truth was. Because in my heart I knew they were wrong.

    Now that I am almost 60 I can tell you I have seen God through his creation, through the love of others, but mostly in His word. Jesus is the word who became flesh. I know when we seek Him He will not hide His face from us. There are numerous times that God’s word has given me an answer I needed. He says to hide His word in our hearts, now I know why, He speaks through His word and gives me the right verse at a time I need.

    We cannot please God without faith. Our faith saves us, it is our gift from God, our faith in His Son, who died for our sins, was buried and rose again and was seen by others and will come back again.

    Being a Christian does not mean that bad things will not happen to us or our family, but there is a deep peace that only God can give to see me through the good and bad. He is the joy of my salvation.

    I know it’s important to read the word of God, and I feel His Spirit in Gospel music and sound doctrine. And I am at awe of Christians who may not know the word of God well, but I see it in their lives everyday the way they walk in the Lord, they inspire me.

    I would suggest continuing to read the word of God. When a person first repents and receives Jesus as their Savior they receive the Holy Spirit, and the bible says to be “filled” with His Spirit. You need to study and show yourself approved. I know from experience that this is true the more sincere I am to study His word, the more I see and understand the bible. Everyone grows at a different pace too, just continue in your faith and trust God. God Bless

    Sumber: my life as a Christian for the last 50 + years.
  • Anonim
    9 tahun yang lalu

    You are not God equal and therefore you ego gets offended. God does it to show you He is God which actually it is you who feel like you are a god but feelings lie. God is your creator not the other way around. That list of art are all emotions He created and yet you glorify yourself with them. Everything you heart longs for is something you and your forefathers have left yet wish to return to. You concept of God is through some religious theology instead of experience.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    Maybe because the history of christianity is such a horror story of them robbing and murdering every culture they came in contact with.... ? Or maybe because their description of god portrays him as such a violent, jealous and psychopathic character ? Or how about the fact that there's no credible sources that can confirm anything the bible says ?

  • Anonim
    9 tahun yang lalu

    as for me, God is ever present in His Word.

    whenever i need Him, there's the bible ...

    i pray, seek Him thru His Word and many a time,

    He speaks to me there ...

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    It was written by humans, that's why God's presence isn't obvious in it. Your mindset also plays a role.

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