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Lv 4
? ditanyakan dalam Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 9 tahun yang lalu

Christians, is-God- emotionally-affected by what goes on here on Earth?

Or is he unchanging?

16 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    9 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Both. God loves us. He is emotionally affected by what happens in our lives. But, that does not change Him. He already exists in what we think of as the future. To God, time is but one of His creations. Change involves time. God exists apart from time.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 tahun yang lalu

    God is unchanging, first off. However, to understand how God's "emotions" work, you need to understand how eternity stands in relation to time.

    Time is a linear progression from one moment to the next. Each moment is unchanging, but when you line them up, they cause change; progression.

    However, eternity is not one moment, because if it were, it would be smaller than time. In fact, it's more like a constancy, which sees all times and places and acts on all times and places instantly. Therefore, although God will always act the same way to the same kinds of actions, he isn't "stuck in one time" or anything like that.

    This is how God can adopt emotion related to things occurring in time. He is simultaneously pleased with the righteous, angry with sin, sad with those who mourn, and perfectly happy within himself.

    However, it would also be a mistake to think that our actions somehow "cause" God's emotional reactions. His will causes his emotions; our actions only give his will something to relate itself to.

  • Anonim
    9 tahun yang lalu

    Emotion - is - a - human - condition. God - is - Spirit.

    (now I'll continue without all the dopey hyphens)

    God is not emotionally affected. He is Holy, stable and perfect.

    Sin befalls us, because in our human flesh we are susceptible.

    The only way we can approach God, or enter His kingdom after

    this life, is when our sin is covered by the redemption of Jesus.

    When His blood covers our sin, we can receive the Holy Spirit

    of God to live in us. Without His Spirit, our sin will separate us

    from the holiness of God, and we will be destroyed... and that

    is why He came to us incarnate to be the final sacrifice of the

    former covenant ... spotless and free of any earthly blemish...

    As our Saviour, Jesus.. a man, He was emotionally affected.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    God does not change and we can offer no surprises since our time has already been played out.

    That is why God knows the end from the beginning.

    God is merciful and God does not want any to perish and for that reason Christ has not returned as yet, because the last unsaved person has not come in.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu


    " The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain."

    Genesis 6:5-6

    If back in the days before the Flood, how much more today?

  • wgr88
    Lv 6
    9 tahun yang lalu

    Matthew 1:23 Jesus is God with us, John 1:1-3 Jesus our Creator and Redeemer, John 8:58 Jesus is The I AM Same wording as in Exodus 3 Moses and the burning bush, Isaiah 53 Jesus became Human to destroy the works of the devil and offer mankind salvation, when He went back to Heaven to complete the work of salvation which is still going on today, He kept His Human body not His divine body, weather or not God is "affected" is not the question, but are YOU effected that is a much better question? = bible lessons, = bible. Jesus bought you probation time on Calvary take advantage of that before it is "Forever To late" Please.

    Sumber: The Holy Bible
  • Anonim
    4 tahun yang lalu

    the two, confident the two may be and are real. whilst the Scripture speaks of God being 'unchanging', that's with reference to His Attributes (i.e., purely, Holy, Merciful, Loving). however the bible additionally speaks of a sparkling super distinction of harm felt by utilising God on the wayward, selfish acts of mankind. we are made in His photograph, He would not shy away from telling us that he's a jealous God. So, confident. There are different examples of His exhibit of emotion in the process the Scripture besides.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    Yes, God has emotions, yet God is not ruled by His emotions, he is in control of His emotions. God's Love for us and the world that He envisions us to live in is why He does what He does.

    Some of the things He does or allows to happen may seem cold and cruel to us, but again, God is not ruled by His emotions, He does what must be done to achieve His ultimate goal for us, for mankind...

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    He is unchanging as to his constitution. He does have emotions just like us since we have been created in his image and likeness.

    The two are entirely unrelated and independent.

  • Anonim
    9 tahun yang lalu

    His nature is unchanging. He does have emotions certainly, and because He cares about His creation it does affect His emotions.

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