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? ditanyakan dalam PetsRodents · 9 tahun yang lalu

My Hamster suddenly got fat and I heard it's a tumor?!?

3 Months ago, she still so skinny and energetic.

But around 2 or 3 weeks I realized that she has gotten pretty fat, even when she got tumbled, she having a hard times to flip herself to normal position.

she's so fat and because of that, her tummy is become purple .. it was white when she still so skinny :(

Lately she ate more than the usual, but I never thought it would became this bad.

I looked on the internet and someone said it's a tumor.

But it's still not certain.

there are no vet around my place, it would be so far if I'd want to go.

please help somebody :((

3 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    9 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    She's just getting fat . Tumors a big lumps . You can clearly identify a tumor from a fat mouse/rat ! Go to the vet though just incase , it could be something else life threatening , or maybe not at all !

    Sumber: 5 Year Experience with Rats
  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    The best thing you can do is look for local vets near you and call and ask if they have experience with hamsters.

    This will help you decide if the vet is right for your hamster.

    I know with personal experience my vet told me that my female mouse wasn't fat but had a tumor. We took her home and did everything to keep her comfortable. A warm blanket in her cage, A warm water bottle that wont burn her, Food on the floor or paper towel the bowl is to hard, and putting the water bottle as low as you can or even getting a needle less string from the vet and give her water from that every few hours. She passed away peacefully a little while after this.

    Also when my hamster got old and sick and had to be put to sleep the vet took him back to the surgery room I couldn't go. They used gas to make sure he was sleeping before injecting his heart with the medicine that will kill him. This is a humane way to euthanize hamsters.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    It may be something else but I think the trip to the vet is completely worth it.

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