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Is it true that Timeline led down the popularity of facebook?

Most facebook users no longer active because they hate timeline. they lost interest in facebook and I heard facebook stock price fell down.

3 Jawaban

  • 9 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    no, people stopped using facebook because they didnt realize that all the stuff they were doing before the timeline came along was being saved and tracked - the timeline just made people aware of what they were doing online, and that is was simple to see all of their past activity

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    So far there are no valid data on the effect of the timeline. But in my personal opinion, it could have been related. Now I and my friends rarely access facebook because we felt uncomfortable since facebook forcing the timeline.

  • Brad
    Lv 7
    9 tahun yang lalu

    Hi Iqbal, hopefully people are coming to their senses and seeing facebook for what it is! And yes it's true about the stock exchange.

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