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? ditanyakan dalam Consumer ElectronicsHome Theater · 8 tahun yang lalu

Bose Companion 2 II or Altec Lansing VS4621 ? Which One?

I am about listening to the classical music, jazz, blues and pop, and watching movie on my laptop.

2 Jawaban

  • 8 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Altec Lansing would be my choice. Bose is not a good brand, even though most people think so (they do not do any research at all). I have used Altec Lansing on my computer for well over 10 years. Hope this will help you out.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 tahun yang lalu

    the final decision would have to be yours. they are your ears. i've always had Altec. way back to a pair of Voice of the Theatre w/ mantaray horns. never had a problem with them. always great sound. right down to their computer speakers.

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