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? ditanyakan dalam HealthDiseases & ConditionsOther - Diseases · 8 tahun yang lalu

I feel lump of blood flowing below my little finger?

Just today I feel like a lump of blood flowing on my left hand, below my little finger (at far side of palm).

It happens like once in 10 minutes.

Also when I touched it, I felt the flow.

it wasn't hurt but it does feel strange :(

I am right handed and I don't use my left hand much in my activities.

so .. is this some kind of symptom or something?

1 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    8 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Most probably you just feel your heartbeat right there. That can happen and is nothing to worry about.

    I doubt that it is a lump because than it would go through your heart and that cause some real big problems, so it can't be a lump at all..

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