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Mark ditanyakan dalam Consumer ElectronicsPDAs & Handhelds · 8 tahun yang lalu

Preparing Android Contact?

I'm trying to update my contact so I export my Android contact as vcard and edited it with excel. The problem is I confused how to export it to vcard. I have tried to export it to csv and export it again to vcard but the the format doesn't match. Anyone have idea for this?

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  • 8 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    I'm not sure if I understand why you're trying to edit it with excel - your phone can very, very easily edit and/or update the contact. To do this, you will only need to go to your "Contacts" app, touch the contact you want to edit so it displays the phone number, and then touch your "menu key" (It often is different for each phone - I included a reference in sources). Select "Edit" and you will be able to edit anything on the vCard.

    If you're still determined to use Excel, you will have quite a greater difficulty in editing your contact. Editing contacts in excel can get very, very messy and I'm not sure that any format of Android contact will ever be fully compatible with Excel. Why not use an "outlook" sort of program? Microsoft Outlook is capable of handling vCards and exporting them as vCards in a non-messy format, but it isn't free. I suggest using Thunderbird - it does everything that outlook does except it's free. (See Sources)

    .csv stands for "Comma Separated Values" and therefore will not work correctly in Excel, but will work in Outlook and/or Thunderbird. If you want to use .vcf instead of .csv format (this may or may not be supported by your version of Excel), hit your "menu key" (It often is different for each phone - I included a reference in sources), and touch the "import/export" button. If you hit "export to SD Card" it will automatically export your contact list as .vcf.

    From what I've seen, the only way to export an Android contact as a vCard is to send it via bluetooth to another android device. If you do have another android device, you could try that, find the vCard file and use an adapter to plug the microSD card into your computer (link to a picture included in sources). That way you could edit it in outlook/thunderbird, but in order to put it back on your phone, you would then need to export the file into vCard from outlook/thunderbird, place the file on the original phone's microSD card, and then find it in your file explorer and touch it - that way it should import directly into your contact list. Then you will need to delete the original, unedited file. But if you plan on doing this for multiple contacts, it will take literally hours!

    I strongly recommend editing the contacts on your phone - it's why your phone has a contact-editor built in!

    Your problem with the format not matching up may be because the information you're inputting has to be placed in the right order for the phone to read it correctly, and excel may not be exporting it correctly either.

    Sumber: Where the menu key is MicroSD to USB Adapter - this is just to show you what it is that you need, I wouldn't recommend purchasing one from here. How to edit contacts in Android Thunderbird Mail Program
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