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Jamesbond ditanyakan dalam Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 tahun yang lalu

American soil have oil, but why do they import from the middle east and kept not processed theirs?

i mean is there something in their sleeve that they dont want the public to know about?? i mean some theory said they will suck out the middle eastern oil dry out fiirst then america will be in control, but idk

5 Jawaban

  • 8 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    That is the idea. You see oils prices will jump 20 times by the time middle easts are empty. So america will make billions every month, from all that oil.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 tahun yang lalu

    The United States produces a great deal of oil, it's just not enough to satisfy American demand. The Middle East is a much smaller supplier of US oil imports than is typically thought, however.

    The single largest exporter of oil to the United States is Canada. Non-OPEC countries supply 66% more oil than OPEC countries, and of the OPEC countries the main suppliers are Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Besides Saudi Arabia, Mexico provides more than the remainder of the Persian Gulf region.

    Europe is much more reliant on Middle Eastern oil than the United States is.

  • meg
    Lv 7
    8 tahun yang lalu

    The oil in the middle east is a lot cheaper to extract, the US has use up all of their own cheap oil, so it is economics not a plot.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 tahun yang lalu

    Whoever's in control of the oil, controls the world.

  • Anonim
    8 tahun yang lalu

    strategic reserves

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