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Jamesbond ditanyakan dalam Computers & InternetComputer Networking · 8 tahun yang lalu

What is data hogging? definition, solution, and how to avoid?

from what i found data hogging is some kinda extra memory burden from transfering data through network and stuff, like if you send a 500mb file, the system automatically added an extra 50 mb so the total is 550mb, for whatever reason i don't know, so im not really sure, please help lads, i have to submit this assignment ASAP! thx


its a computer networking class, i have to found out as much as possible about domain collision and data hogging, and what is QoS?

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 tahun yang lalu
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    i have never heard of that before... what class is this? but to what it sounds like to me when it comes to networking is data hogging (i assume bandwidth) is taking all the bandwidth of the network onto one computer, ex someone downloading gigs of information like a torrent to a game, the computer can take the most data from the network because of the download. also it is most effective if a QoS service is enabled in the network for example, video/audio streaming is set to high priority, in that case anyone who is watching a movie on netflix will use up most of the bandwidth because the QoS is set to have audio/video streaming data to be sent over asap. so its basically prioritization.

    thats my guess, hope it helps!

    EDIT: solution would be disable QoS, IF this is the answer you are looking for. also some routers have the ability to limit port bandwidth. so that could be another solution

    Sumber: IT Student
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