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Shinta Widi ditanyakan dalam Beauty & StyleMakeup · 7 tahun yang lalu

At what age do you think it's appropriate to use makeups?

I'm a 15 years old girl and I'm starting to get interested on makeups. I have brush sets, eyeshadow, eyeliners, foundation and a natural pink lipstick. I usually get some experiments with those and decided I won't into the heavy makeup, just eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. My sister starts to use makeups at 19. At what age you people start using make-up? do you think it's too soon for me to start experiment with makeups?

12 Jawaban

  • 7 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Short answer: 2 years before you go into whatever professional jobs you plan to apply for. As a young person you have a natural glow an radiance to your skin, all you have to do wash everyday with a gentle cleanser and moisturize + use something with high SPF to protect your face from UV rays. Of course this is all based on your skin type: dry skin needs more moister, oily skin needs oil free moisturizer. The beauty industry is booming because they sell anything to young girls like you and you always come back to find more or something new. Also if you wear makeup in high school people will get used to it and when you are too tired to wear it or running late people with say "you look different, or you look tired" and you will be very offended. when you wear makeup you will notice (and everyone else) how different you look when you have makeup on an off. just wait until 2 years before you plan to enter the business world to make you a better looking candidate for a job because it takes just 2 years to get your makeup game down pat. when that time comes here is the right regimen to use so you don't look like those slutty girls in high school:

    Always start with a clean washed face - Moisturizer so your makeup isn't nasty and cake - Primer so your foundation can oxidize and it slides on clean - Foundation (there are many kinds) that is specific to your needs whether you are dry or oily skin - set your makeup (dry skin can set with a power foundation if you use a liquid foundation) (oily skin must set with a setting powder and maintain through the day or it will look a mess) - finally you go through with your favorite eyeliner / shadow / blush / lips. It is best to know if you look better in cool or warm tones so the colors look nice and bring out your glow.

    Sumber: Makeup Artist
  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    I think 12 or 13 is okay to start wearing abit of lipgloss or mascara. I think 15 is okay to start wearing a bit more like foundation or eyeshadow. As regards a full face it's not something I think anyone under 16 should be wearing that amount (if you decide to wear that much ever). Sometime less is more. I myself starting wearing it around 11 or 12 but I only wore a small amount.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    Carol Tuttle, mother of 5 and author of Dressing Your Truth: Discover Your Personal Beauty Profile, says she recommends starting with lip gloss and makeup between ages 10-12, progressing to foundation and cover up between ages 13-14. Between the ages of 15-17, blush, eyeliner and eye shadows are appropriate and by age 18 your daughter should have the skills to apply makeup to enhance her natural beauty.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    I started with only mascara in 7th grade. I didn't wear mascara everyday back in 7th grade. Then I started wearing more makeup in 8th grade. I wore mascara, lip gloss, and blush and concealer sometimes when I really need it like if I have a horrible noticeable blemish. I'm a freshman now and I wear mascara, concealer, foundation (sometimes), blush, and eyeshadow. I never wear any eyeliner or bronzer. I use a tinted lip balm instead of lip gloss. And I wear cream blush with no shimmer.

  • Anonim
    7 tahun yang lalu

    You can start experimenting with make up! But just don't go too crazy. Watch videos on youtube and wear a pretty yet natural make up. I had horrible acne so I started using foundation+powder at 17, blush at 18, mascara at 19 and full face make up at 23.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    I'm 15 and just today I bought "Fit me" by maybelline, and its really good, so you could maybe look into that. Until today I've just been using BB cream as my foundation. I also just use mascara but I don't apply it heavily. I think 15 is old enough, just about every girl in my year at school does and they're all your age as well. Just make sure you get the right skin tone, you don't want to be looking orange or pale.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    I think when you start high school but don't put too much I actually 16 but still I am natural beauty even though I don't but much make up at least if I am going to a party or a special event actually in my school it okay to put make up but not too heavy if you really want to just put a bit of mascara and eyeliner also if you like put lip gloss.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    I'm 13 and I wear simple makeup, just mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss, occasional natural coloured eyeshadow and sometimes bb cream if my skin is bad. At your age it shouldn't be a problem at all. Just stick to neutral colours, and remember makeup is to highlight not to cover your entire face.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    I started in about 7th grade with like really basic things like a BB cream and maybe a mascara!

    I think you should its so much fun to start getting into makeup and trying new looks and it brings you a little more self confidence!

    Its also fun to get into skincare and make like homeade face masks and stuff!

  • Anonim
    7 tahun yang lalu

    At whatever age you want. I think 14+ is most appropriate because when I see girls in my school under 14 wearing makeup they end up looking like something out of a horror film - yes, it's really that awful.

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