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Does all guys hates on skinny girls? does it true that guys only loves curves and big boobs?

If yes, I could approve that I'll be the most unwanted girl on earth because I'm naturally skinny :( I'm tired of thinking what should I do to attract guys and I'm tired to keep eating a lot to gain weight but in fact I don't gain a pound. Everytime I hangout with my friends which all curvy I feel like no guys will ever look at me, everytime I meet a cute/good-looking guys I never be brave to talk/chat them as I think they would just see me and be like "Ew, too skinny!" "no butts, fck off!". I used to have crush on a guy, we always texting and stuff and he just ended up refuse me. I'm like "What's wrong? does it because I'm skinny and have no boobs?" I'm actually a nice girl, I'm caring, I love jokes and all other funny things, I love to play some games and I won't complain too much if my bf do so (one day if I have any) but why it seems like no guys would ever give me chance?


It's not that I want all those attention, I'm 15 and nearly all my bestfriends are starting to date except me. I just feel like something is wrong with me, sometimes my bestfriends also told me "You're too thin" "Look at your bones, omg" even there's a guy told me "You're so thin and have no thighs". This hurts me so much

5 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    7 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    I don't mind skinny girls. It's not my favorite body on a girl, but I would be interested in a girl's personality first. Also, most guys would be thrilled to have a girl approach them. Most guys are too nervous to approach girls, so having a girl approach them would really make their day. I know it would make mine. You sound like you're really fun to hang out with, so don't beat on yourself too much. Some guys like skinny girls, some guys like curvy girls, and some guys like fat girls. The fact is that guys are just as different as guys, except that we're more visual creatures. I've never had a Gf or Bf, so I kind of know what you're going through. If you are unhappy with your body, then maybe you should start working out, but don't just change the way you look because of someone else. I hope everything works out.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu


    First off, the vast majority of women in the US and the world are desperate to lose weight. So consider yourself very lucky for having to deal with such a terrible "problem".

    Next, I highly doubt that you are over 16. Your grammar needs work. In your title it should be "Do" not "does" but more importantly when you ask "What's wrong? does it because I'm skinny and have no boobs?", this comes across so immature and insecure.

    Nothing is wrong with your looks or your body. Seriously. It's your self esteem and self confidence or your lack of it.

    Build it up with sports, or volunteering or some other skill/hobby that provides you with success and enjoyment. Keep up the good grades as well.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    Yep. That's right. You're infinitely special because above all other women it's YOU that are the absolute least desirable woman on Earth.

    Hope that makes you feel special instead of, well - just plain ordinary. Like maybe you just didn't get quite enough attention and thought 'That guy didn't instantly do my every whim, what could conceivably be different about me? My boobs! That's got to be it, as my personality is obviously inviolate and perfect'

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    Try getting a personality first

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    every human is different and everyone has different preferences, you will eventually find someone who likes/loves you for you and everything about you.

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