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Is it okay for a girl to approach/text guy first?

I asked this to some of my girl friends, some says it's okay and some says you'll look cheap and easy.

I have a crush on someone, he's a year older than me like 16 and we have never talk before but I'd love to because I want him to know me and at least be friend. I just afraid that I would make a false impression that I'm cheap and easy if I approach him first while I just want to be friendly. I messaged him on facebook but he's not reply on me because he hasn't online yet, it's just a simple "hi" and I wanna talk about his interest in photography even I don't really know a lot about it. So, do you think it's okay or it'll make us girls look cheap? I'll appreciate all the opinions especially from the guys.

5 Jawaban

  • 7 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    This is what I hate about society, this whole, if I do this, will I look bad?.

    No! You can text/speak to him first! Its not going to make any difference! If anything, you'll make it less awkward for him! I absolutely hate these girls that do the 'hard to get' thing, its pathetic and honestly, does not work!! Just speak to him and go from there! If he's a really nice guy, keep speaking to him! If he's a dick, stop speaking to him! Simple as that!

    Good luck!

    Sumber: 16 year old male :p
  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    IT'S OKAY! Though you should had put this on datingsection(and the dating questions there are overflooding..

    Cheap girls..who coined the terms anyway? Boys who like challenges, and girls who like to think themselves great because they're so hard to get?

    We're equal, silly. If a boy texts a girl first, there's no rule saying the opposite can't happen.

    Oh, but boys still do physical's hard for girls.

  • Anonim
    7 tahun yang lalu

    Yes it is ok!! I see no problem with a girl texting a guy first, I did it all the time through out school, guys loved it, if he's into u he will be happy u did! If he's not he probably won't text back or reply but thats how u know weather he's a good guy or not!! Go for it take a chance don't listen to negative people!! It's better than never knowing;)

  • Anonim
    7 tahun yang lalu

    It really depends on the type of guy, aproaching somebody shows that you are confident and charismatic so unless he is a complete asshole (then you shouldnt be going for him anyway) he should respond nicely you should try your best first impressions are everything

    Sumber: Years of experience
  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    yes as long you spread out your legs

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