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Shinta Widi ditanyakan dalam Beauty & StyleMakeup · 7 tahun yang lalu

Is there any makeup tips to make face appear more symmetric?

I've just noticed that my face is asymmetric when I was 14, I keep staring at the mirror and noticed that my right eye position is slightly higher than the left one and the shape is a bit different, and also my ears. My jaws and teeth position is also different, maybe because I often use one side to chew more than the other side. It looks pretty obvious to me when I smile at the camera, I think none of my friends really notice it as much as me, unless I tell them but I choose not to as this things makes me feel so self conscious. So please? is there makeup tips to make them less visible especially the eyes part?

1 Jawaban

  • 7 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    You could try highlighting and contouring techniques; but that can take some practice considering your problem. How about this: give your skin a 'blank canvas' look first with a good primer or foundation (you can use Ben Nye's banana powder from Then use a combination of bronzer and highlighter to 'trace' around your jaw and lower brow line. Use the highlighter to lighten your LEFT lower brow line so that eye appears higher. Then use a bronzer on your cheeks and jawline to create the ideal shape. For the eyes, use an eyeliner to create the illusion of even-shaped peepers. Line both the upper and lower lids (this includes your waterline). Again: this takes practice and lots of patience.

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