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Don Leon ditanyakan dalam Science & MathematicsMathematics · 7 tahun yang lalu

What is the length of VW from this following cube?

Cube ABCD.EFGH with edge a cm.

P,Q,R,S,T is in the midpoint of AB,CD,EH,AD,and EG.

U at the midpoint of PQ.

UV is projection of UT at EPQH and RW is projection of RS at EPQH.

What is the length of VW?

3 Jawaban

  • Johan
    Lv 5
    7 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Answer: VW = 4*a*sqrt(5)/5


    If I understand correctly, U is at the center of ABCD, and T is at the center of EFGH.

    So we have a rectangle SUTR, with UT = SR = a, and SU = TR = a/2.

    Use Pythagoras to calculate RU = a*sqrt(5)/2.

    Notice that triangle VRT is congruent with triangle TRU, because angle RVT is a right angle, and angle VRT = angle TRU.

    Because of the angle VRT = angle TRU, we can determine that

    VR:RT = TR:RU ==>

    VR/RT = RT/RU ==> multiply left and right by RT

    VR = RT*RT/RU

    RT = TR = a/2 and RU = a*sqrt(5)/2 (as already calculated), so

    VR = (a/2)*(a/2)/(a*sqrt(5)/2) = (a/2)/sqrt(5) = a/(2*sqrt(5))

    multiply nominator and denominator by sqrt(5):

    VR = a*sqrt(5)/10

    Likewise, because triangle WUS is congruent with SUR, we can determine that WU = a*sqrt(5)/10 = VR.

    Now we can determine VW:

    VW = RU - VR - WU

    = a*sqrt(5) - a*sqrt(5)/10 - a*sqrt(5)/10

    = 8*a*sqrt(5)/10

    = 4*a*sqrt(5)/5

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 tahun yang lalu

    Have you written this correctly? U is the same as point S.

  • 7 tahun yang lalu

    I shall try later.

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