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Don Leon ditanyakan dalam Science & MathematicsMathematics · 7 tahun yang lalu

Find the smallest value of n from this set?

From the set {1,2,...n}, 11 numbers are removed. Find the smallest value of n, such that no matter those 11 numbers are removed, there always exist at least one Arithmetic progression with length 12?

1 Jawaban

  • 7 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    To keep the set as small as possible, I think we will want the arithmetic progression to have a common

    difference of 1, and would consist of 12 consective integers. So now we must think of the worst possible

    case of preventing consective runs of integers. if you picked 12, 24, 36, etc, you would prevent

    runs of twelve from occuring all the way up to n = 11 x 12 + 11 = 143

    With 144, you'd be able to make a run of 12.

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