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Shinta Widi ditanyakan dalam HealthWomen's Health · 6 tahun yang lalu

What's wrong with my menstrual cycle?

I don't get on my period since last month till now. I'm 16 years old and I'm skinny. I've never had sex so I don't think I'm pregnant but I'm still concern about it. I'm assuming that it's because I was so stressed last month and I didn't eat that much. Good thing I'm not so stressed now and I eat a bit much than before but my period hasn't come yet. What's wrong and what should I do? :l

2 Jawaban

  • 6 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    If you haven’t had sex then you are definitely not pregnant so there is no need to worry about that. Stress can certainly effect on your menstrual cycle and that could be the reason why you haven’t had your period. I have had late periods due to stress in the past and then my period went back to normal afterwards. Some other reasons for late/missed periods are: intense exercising, excessive weight loss or weight gain, eating disorders, contraceptives and hormonal birth control, change in diet or routine, ongoing illness, some types of medication, hormonal imbalances etc. All these things can effect your menstrual cycle.

    You mentioned being skinny, if you are underweight then that can cause your periods to stop. Getting back to proper weight can induce your periods to start again. If you are underweight then I would advise you to go and see a doctor and you may be referred to a nutritionist who can help you with gaining weight.

    Sometimes having a late or missed period can happen and they are not always a cause for concern, however if it gets to three months without a period then I would see a health care provider.

  • 6 tahun yang lalu

    I think it might be because there's not enough blood in your body? Or haemoglobin, at least. Personally, I noticed that if I eat a lot of red meat in that month, I get my period early. Nothing much to stress about, just make sure you eat right. :)

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