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Lv 6
? ditanyakan dalam HealthWomen's Health · 2 tahun yang lalu

Why someone who sell her virginity considered as negative?

I mean, she also loss her virginity, no matter if she lose it to her boyfriend or a stranger man who bought her virginity. But i wonder why society considered someone who sell her virginity is a trash compared to someone who loss it to her boyfriend?

9 Jawaban

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Generally speaking, society looks down on selling sex for money, but most people are sympathetic to someone who gives sex for love. Maybe because we assume that sex traded for money is without meaning, and we don't like the idea of sex having no meaning.

  • Dale-E
    Lv 7
    2 tahun yang lalu

    I suspect it may be viewed as auto-cannibalism..

  • Anonim
    2 tahun yang lalu

    The US remains a bit puritanical, as it were. What you are describing is prostitution, plain and simple. Most of us frown on that. We are not the Netherlands, with pros on displays in glass windows. Sleazy is as sleazy does.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 tahun yang lalu

    Each society defines what it considers acceptable and unacceptable.

  • 2 tahun yang lalu

    The selling of flesh is seen as a bad thing by many people. It is just a personal judgement that many have, it does not have to be logical.

  • Anonim
    2 tahun yang lalu

    She's a ****. Would you marry a ****?

  • Anonim
    2 tahun yang lalu

    Personally I think it is a great money making idea. Why not? sex is sex. People rarely enjoy the first time anyway, and will find love later in life. If someone is willing to pay an awful lot for sex financially it seems a great idea

  • Anonim
    2 tahun yang lalu

    You're right, they don't care if she loses it to a boyfriend or even a non boyfriend. Society has a very tight money structure and doesn't like cheating. The top percentage of women have either rich families or high potential & you selling your virginity would be a reflection on them has women they wouldn't want. To men, sex is devalued and a free for all, no benefit to them. So, you're outnumbered by men and women who have more sway in society than you.

  • 2 tahun yang lalu

    selling sex is prostitution

    it doesnt matter how you dress it up or sugar coat it

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