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Jimmy S ditanyakan dalam Science & MathematicsMedicine · 2 bulan yang lalu

Why don't we develop covid cures instead of vaccines?

if you get it, just take the medicine and you're done.

10 Jawaban

  • L
    Lv 5
    2 bulan yang lalu

    Because COVID is NOT a Disease.  COVID is just a virus.

  • 2 bulan yang lalu

    There was been already a working cure presented by the world known Dr. Klinghardt but the medical holocaust industry owns governments and media. Congratulations. 

  • 2 bulan yang lalu

    you are obviousely not an adult, or not a very smart one.  do you have any clue what it takes to CURE  a virus??

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 bulan yang lalu

    With very few exceptions, HIV being a notable one, we cannot cure viral diseases. Even HIV is not cured but the drugs prevent the virus reproducing.

    A huge amount of time, money and effort was spent finding a cure for the common cold, another viral disease, to no avail.

    A major problem with viruses is that they are intracellular parasites. Unlike other microorganisms in general, viruses are inside your cells. Therefore, "killing" the virus would also involve killing the cell, which is not such a good idea.

    The best thing that can be done with a viral infection is to provide drugs that reverse symptoms in affected body systems.

    A vaccine is the best hope because with it we reduce the virus' ability to infect people.

  • 2 bulan yang lalu

    Rich people like Trump and Chris Christie can get it.  We can't.

  • Anonim
    2 bulan yang lalu

    There is no way to cure a virus.

  • 2 bulan yang lalu

    Because viruses in general usually have very little in the way of stuff to attack or interfere with, since they use the cells' own machinery to work.  Antivirals do exist but they tend also to be antimetabolites, i.e. like cancer chemotherapy drugs with serious side effects.  It wouldn't be a good idea to give everyone a drug which gave them anaemia, immune deficiency, made their hair fall out and caused the lining of their stomach to break down.

  • Anonim
    2 bulan yang lalu

    1 nobody knows how. There's a nobel-prize waiting for whoever figures it out

    2 vaccines PREVENT damage. Out of all the patients who had been on the ICU for covid-19, half still has serious health-issues a year later

  • 2 bulan yang lalu

    cures are rarely possible. Penicillin and other antibiotics are all I can recall, and they work only partially and for bacteria infections. There are drugs that alleviate symptoms, that is all you can expect.

  • Anonim
    2 bulan yang lalu

    It’s nearly impossible to cure a virus. Anti-virals exist for the flu but they are only effective if taken within the first few hours of being infected. That won’t work for covid because you can be infected and contagious for up to two days before feeling any symptoms. 

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