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Lukas_bc ditanyakan dalam Science & MathematicsEngineering · 1 dekade yang lalu

Calibrating an electronic balance, help...?

I need a simple way to do calibration of a 200g/0.01g balance, anyone can help me?

And one more question, the buttons are: CAL (calibration), TARE/ZERO, COUNT, UNIT.

What's the function of COUNT? I can't access the manual book.

Thanks in advance.



Oh cmon i've searched a lot, and still can't find a manual until now

Perbarui 2:


No, that's what the TARE button for, CAL stands for "calibration".

3 Jawaban

  • Mike
    Lv 5
    1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    I have worked in a materials testing lab. If you need verfiable, traceable calibration of a scale or balance, you need to obtain calibration weights. See the link below for one source.

    The COUNT function can be used to count items by weight. For instance, you could weigh a bolt, enter that weight, then weigh many bolts to obtain the number of bolts using the COUNT function.

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    Count - I am not entirely certain but it could be the number of decimals places that are displayed.

    I am also not sure why there is a CAL button and a ZERO button. Every digital scale I have seen has only a Zero feature so the scale can be zero'd when counterbalancing a beaker or other holder.

    To find a manual just type the scale model and make into Google.

    Sumber: this page may not apply to your scale but it is worth checking out anyway:
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 dekade yang lalu

    One easy way to get standard weight is: 1 c.c. of water weights 1 gram

    CAL means if you want to measure the weight of liquid without including the weight of cup.

    Put an empty cup on balance,press CAL. Reading shall be reset to zero.

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