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Hey peoples Can you help me?

why does my mom always get mad at me, or being so annoying, like an enemy. she is the one whom can makes me cry and mad. i dunno, why she supposed to do those. does she hate me? as you kno, my mom and dad been divorced when im a 5yearsold lil kid. been living with my mom till now. but ive never feel comfort or happy when i'm talking with her, so what do i do? i wanna love her but i hate it when mom being so unfriendly. she always getting mad so easily. prolly ive never been so nice or perfect in her eyes.

6 Jawaban

  • 1 dekade yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    Talk about it with her or think about staying with your dad for awhile

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    If you want to try and have a better relationship with your mom, why don't you suggest something that the two of you can do together that is fun. Maybe go bowling or what you think she would like then she might let her gaurd down a bit for the both of you to feel relaxed enough to talk about things. I hope this helps and best wishes.

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    Well dear, in a way im also like you. but i think moms do that to protect you from all possible dangers. i mean they dont want you to undergo the same ordeals they have gone through. Mine's friendly and understanding but screams at me for the slight mistake. yet i basically love and adore her. maybe you should try and talk to her about your feelings.

  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    Most mother I pressume have gone through at difficult time at that stage, and most kids need males role models to. If you love your mum your mum loves you too she always will she's your mum she had a child who she thanks god everyday for. you got to talk to her about this she may seem mad I guess for talking about but she needs to help you and move on.

    I hope this works out for you



  • Anonim
    1 dekade yang lalu

    You should confront her. It's probably the divorce, but she should get over it. If you can't think of anything that made her mad, then just ask her.

  • 1 dekade yang lalu

    sit her down and talk to her and if that doesn't work maybe you could move in a relatives house.

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