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Lv 7
Heidy ditanyakan dalam Hiburan dan MusikJajak Pendapat & Survei Ā· 7 hari yang lalu

Nanti malam, sudah pengantian jam Yahoo tutup. Hadiah apa yang akan kamu berikan ke Yahoo Answers?

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Lumayan kan bisa dikenang sampe 4 Mei 2021. haha

11 Jawaban

  • Yeyong
    Lv 7
    6 hari yang lalu

    Album foto anak anak JPS

  • david
    Lv 5
    6 hari yang lalu

    Saya mau peluk dan cium

  • Bee
    Lv 7
    6 hari yang lalu

    aku cuma ingin memberikan sedikit madu ini kak. yang manisnya akan dapat kita kenang selamanya :)

  • 6 hari yang lalu

    Bukti-bukti kejahatan Yahoo yang telah membinasakan arsip sejarah mulai dari Messenger, Groups hingga Answers

  • Ale
    Lv 7
    6 hari yang lalu

    Kasih duit cepek

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 hari yang lalu

    Mau kasih kuburan, biar tenaang

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 hari yang lalu

    aku akan memberikan celana dalam

  • 6 hari yang lalu

    Ana bakal kasihšŸ˜

    Dedek bayi

  • 6 hari yang lalu

    ini aja dah wkwk

    Attachment image
  • Anonim
    6 hari yang lalu

    Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 kills nanoworms inside face masks. The elite is faking that they took the real vaccine; the real vaccine will cause spiritual and physical damage. When will the official churches start praying for the false prophet? Orthodox Christian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; RomanCatholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Donā€™t go into UFO to be ā€œhealedā€ by evil demons; demons never do good. SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast (by hiding within a 10-15 people group according to saints GabrielUrgebadze and SeraphimofSarov), then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint VyacheslavKrasheninnikov from Ural). First vaccine shuts off your immune system; second vaccine gives you diseases; third vaccine puts your immune system back and it will start fighting the diseases and will cause death. SaintPaisios from MountAthos said that the devil wants to deceive the rich with freemasonry, poor with communism, and believers with ecumenism. Elpidios Vagianakis said that there will be seven ā€œmark of the beastā€ vaccines; reject all of them! Documents are from Satan; burn all the documents that you can find. Electronics will be used to track you. Even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the evil flying antichrist using Tesla's ether. Donā€™t go into UFO to be ā€œhealedā€ by evil demons; demons never do good; always pray the Jesusprayer or to saints who help right away (like saint VyacheslavKrasheninnikov according to whom if you reject mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to heaven); forgive me.

    Sumber: Pray the Jesus prayer just like priest Elpidios Vagianakis asked you to do: 33 times (symbolizing 33 years of Christ) at 6am, then at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12pm, 3am. If you remember, awake, etc., pray it. Later you will pray it in your sleep. Documents are from Satan; burn all the documents that you can find. Electronics will be used to track you. Even old broken unplugged 1970 TV set will show the evil flying antichrist using Tesla's ether. Donā€™t go into UFO to be ā€œhealedā€ by evil demons; demons never do good; always pray the Jesus prayer or to saints who help right away (like saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov according to whom if you reject mark of the beast, then your direct ancestors go to heaven); forgive me.
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