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Lee Wang Tui ditanyakan dalam Science & MathematicsPhysics · 9 tahun yang lalu

Parallel universe theory?

From my understanding of a parallel universe, there is in theory, no way to 'get there', at least for now. Is it the same for that "parallel universe", that there is no way "to get here"?

Thank you.

6 Jawaban

  • 9 tahun yang lalu
    Jawaban Favorit

    I cannot answer as a qualified physicist. But my feeling is that it is possible - given the right setup of "rules" within the other Universe. If the multiverse theory is correct, and that there are an infinite number of universes, then the question becomes one of probability. That is, finding the right type of universe that happens to be located next to the travelers universe which happens to be traversable.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    That all depends on how scientifically advanced that universe is. The parallel universe theory entertains the idea of countless universes. So based on that, it is completely possible that a universe is more advanced then us. Also possible that there are some that are less advanced then us.

    Some scientist believe that wormholes are portals to other universes.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    that would depend on how developed the parallel universe is e.g if they are developed to the same extent as us then yes there is no way for them to get here but if they are more developed and advanced in science then they may have found a way to get here although that is highly unlikely because if they are our parallel then they should be as intelligent as us.

    Sumber: S3 science class
  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    I truly do not think that we can know... But perhaps there is a way to get there. Ever heard of white holes? If they are real, they might simply be in other worlds. But I do believe that it might be possible to travel between some worlds. They are simply beyond what human imagination can conceive, and anything might be possible.

  • 9 tahun yang lalu

    Waduh gak ngerti boss... Tp saya suka sm cara jwb kmu yg bijak dan sopan, tks atas knjungan kmu ke pertanya'an saya..


  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 tahun yang lalu

    For the followers of religions I say: maybe it's what we call "Heaven"?

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