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Jamesbond ditanyakan dalam Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 6 tahun yang lalu

What are some visible signs of girls with high libido/sex drives?

4 Jawaban

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 tahun yang lalu

    You can't tell that I have a high sex drive, also it changes over time for most people.

    Some people who are good at reading people can tell if someone is very sexual. It's more a vibe, not something you can just look and see.

    I dress like a grandma half the time, and talk like a geek... I don't think I seem super-sexual, but some people can tell I am. Maybe that's because they know a lot of nerdy ladies are secretly super kinky.

    Someone else told me that gals that are kinky have a certain "fire" in their eyes, some people can read a lot from people's eyes.

  • Stacy
    Lv 7
    6 tahun yang lalu

    Lol! There are no visible signs. We aren't monkeys.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 tahun yang lalu

    they dress up beautifully

    jk there are no actual signs

  • Anonim
    6 tahun yang lalu

    high heels, short skirts, cleavage.

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