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Jimmy S ditanyakan dalam Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 minggu yang lalu

Why haven't increases in productivity lead to increases in wage?

10 Jawaban

  • Anonim
    2 minggu yang lalu

    Corporate america thinks greed is good . Meanwhile americans still believe having a free for all society is great  so it will only get worse from now on 

  • 2 minggu yang lalu

    Because they have. Consumer durables, which include microwaves, fridges, and televisions have become cheaper in the past 40 years. The reduction in price occurs at a higher rate than inflation, therefore one working at a minimum wage could own a larger amount of said goods. It might look stagnant on paper, but the comparative cost of most goods means that one is becoming truly richer.

  • 2 minggu yang lalu

    North American economy is based on prices for goods from China and 3rd world countries.

  • garry
    Lv 6
    2 minggu yang lalu

    what are you paid for , work or stand around doing nothing , you should try the unemployment line .

  • troi
    Lv 4
    2 minggu yang lalu

    Corporate greed and white provledge.

  • 2 minggu yang lalu

    Corporate America is ridiculously greedy, and they buy the politicians you vote for to make sure the only thing extra they have to pay you is no damned mind.

  • Anonim
    2 minggu yang lalu

    Rich bosses took it all to increase THEIR already famously disproportionate income.

  • 2 minggu yang lalu

    We were actually seeing that in the Trump years before COVID hit.

    Lower-income workers were actually receiving larger raises than their bosses under President Trump's economic and tax policies.

    See the links.

  • 2 minggu yang lalu

    Republicans are ripping off people.

  • NeeNaw
    Lv 4
    2 minggu yang lalu

    Because taxes are increasing

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